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West New York, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents are extremely dangerous, and riders are often at a higher risk for injuries than people in cars. On top of that, motorcycle riders get an unfair reputation for being risk-takers and are often blamed for their accidents. An attorney can help you prove otherwise.

West New York gets its name from being right across the Hudson River from Manhattan. As such, the area can be very busy with heavy traffic, including motorcycles. Accidents might happen on major roadways through the neighborhood or any of the numerous local streets. Damages tend to be high because injuries are often severe. Debilitating injuries and even permanent medical complications are not unusual in motorcycle accident cases. To get compensation for your damages, we need evidence to support your claims. Where we might find evidence depends on where and how your accident occurred. An attorney can assist you with preparing your case, filing your complaint, and developing legal arguments to convince a jury to award your compensation.

Call our motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 to arrange a free and confidential review of your claims to begin your lawsuit.

Where and How Motorcycle Accidents Might Happen in West New York, NJ

While West New York is technically not in New York City, it is still very busy, and traffic between the two cities can be heavy. Numerous local streets and major roads throughout the neighborhood might be dangerous for motorcycles. Bergenline Avenue is one of the main highways that run through the neighborhood. Speed limits are usually higher on major roads, and accidents can be more severe.

Other major roadways include 60th Street, which intersects with Bergenline and may be dangerous for people on motorcycles. You should also be careful on John F. Kennedy Blvd., which runs along the east side of West New York. While motorcycle riders might try their best to be safe on these roads, other drivers might not be as careful, and accidents can occur.

One of the biggest causes of motorcycle accidents in and around West New York is driver negligence, specifically from drivers in cars. These drivers often disregard the presence and safety of motorcycles for various unfair reasons. Motorcycle riders tend to get an undeserved reputation for being dangerous or risky on the road, and drivers in cars often assume an accident is the motorcycle rider’s fault.

Speed is another huge concern in almost any vehicle accident, but especially in motorcycle crashes. Motorcycle riders are not belted in or protected within an enclosed vehicle. If they are hit by a speeding vehicle, the rider might be violently thrown from their bike and horribly injured.

Determining Damages in Motorcycle Accident Cases in West New York, NJ

Your damages should account for the losses, injuries, and experiences directly resulting from your motorcycle accident. While much of your damages are meant to make up for things you lost, other damages might be meant for other purposes. Generally, your compensatory damages comprise economic and non-economic losses, and punitive damages are designed to punish defendants.

Compensatory Damages

As the name implies, your compensatory damages are meant to compensate you for your losses. Economic losses are a bit easier to compensate because they already have a predetermined economic worth. We can determine your economic damages by simply tallying up bills and costs.

Many economic damages consist of medical costs, property damage, and lost earnings. Medical bills can be extremely expensive, especially in motorcycle accidents where injuries can be severe. Even if you have health insurance to cover some costs, you might still face high deductibles or exhaust your policy limits. Your damaged motorcycle should also factor into your economic losses, as replacing it might be very expensive.

Many injured motorcycle riders cannot return to work after being injured, sometimes for a very long time. As a result, they lose income, and keeping up with medical bills on top of normal living expenses might be impossible. Your lost income should be included in your damages calculations.

Non-economic damages are often related to subjective experiences rather than monetary losses. Pain, suffering, humiliation, and more might be factored into your non-economic damages. Since these damages have a predetermined value and are inherently subjective, the jury has the final say on their worth.

Punitive Damages

Punitive damages are rare. They are not designed to compensate you for anything you lost but to punish the defendant for their egregious behavior. These damages are unusual because plaintiffs must meet a very high bar to get them.

According to N.J.S.A. § 2A:15-5.12(a), punitive damages might be awarded if our motorcycle accident attorney can help you prove by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant acted with actual malice or a willful disregard for the safety of others. Mere negligence is not enough to justify punitive damages.

Punitive damages might be quite high in certain cases, but they have their limits. Under N.J.S.A. § 2A:15-5.14(b), punitive damages may be no more than 5 times the amount of your compensatory damages or $350,000, whichever is more.

Evidence You Need to Prove Your Claims in a West New York, NJ Motorcycle Accident Case

Finding evidence might be simple and straightforward or the hardest part of your case. The tricky thing about evidence is that it can be unpredictable. Some cases are loaded with evidence, and plaintiffs have an easy time proving their claims. Other plaintiffs are not so fortunate, and evidence is difficult to find.

Much important evidence might come straight from the accident scene. Photos and videos of the accident immediately after it happened are extremely valuable, as they show the court what the scene looked like before the police cleared it away. We should also get some photos of your motorcycle so the jury can see for themselves the extent of the damage.

Witnesses are crucial; the more we have, the better for your case. If your accident happened on a busy highway, there might be lots of witnesses who can testify about what they saw. If your accident happened when few other drivers were around, like at night, we might have a harder time.

Your medical records may be used to prove the severity of your injuries. Injuries from motorcycle accidents can be serious, and medical records can help us explain just how bad they are and whether you are expected to fully recover.

Contact Our Werst New York, NJ Motorcycle Accident Attorneys for Help Now

Call Jerry Friedman, our motorcycle accident attorney, at 1-800-529-4464 to schedule a free and confidential assessment of your claims to start your lawsuit.

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