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Wall, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle riders lack the protections afforded to those driving standard cars. Therefore, bikers are more likely to suffer severe injuries because of accidents. Furthermore, motorcycle accidents often result in costly property damage.

Fortunately, victims of motorcycle accidents may file lawsuits against at-fault drivers. The financial compensation awarded in a motorcycle accident lawsuit can go a long way toward easing a plaintiff’s stress. However, the process for recovering damages can be long and complicated.

If you were injured because of a motorcycle accident in Wall, NJ, get help recovering the financial compensation available to you. Contact an experienced Wall motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free case review.

Elements of a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Wall, NJ

In order for a motorcycle accident lawsuit to succeed, a plaintiff must show that their injuries were caused by a defendant driver’s careless or reckless actions. Legal strategies can differ from case to case. However, in every motorcycle accident lawsuit, the following elements must be satisfied:

  • The defendant owed you a duty of care
  • The defendant failed to adhere to that duty of care
  • You were injured because of the defendant’s breach of duty
  • You suffered damages because of your injuries

When filing a lawsuit, defendants and their insurance companies may attempt to refute any of the aforementioned elements. An experienced Wall motorcycle accident lawyer can help fight insurance companies to establish the required elements in your case.

Common Locations of Motorcycle Accidents in Wall, NJ

Motorcycle accidents can occur anywhere at any time. Still, such accidents occur in some places more frequently than others. The following are common locations of motorcycle accidents in Wall, NJ:

Two-Lane Roads

Two-lane roads are a common location of motorcycle accidents. Such roads have one lane of traffic traveling in either direction. Accordingly, when drivers of other cars begin to veer outside of their lanes, serious motorcycle accidents can occur. Drivers may veer into other lanes because they are tired or distracted. A Wall motorcycle accident lawyer can help recover monetary damages stemming from motorcycle crashes that occur on two-lane roads.

Parking Lots

Parking lots are also a common location of motorcycle accidents in Wall. Parking lots are locations where many cars and motorcycles are travelling in close proximity. Often times, the driver of a standard car will not notice a motorcycle rider when backing out of their parking spot. Serious injuries can result from collisions in parking lots.


Intersections are a very common location of motorcycle accidents in Wall. Intersection are points where roads meet. Motorists who act carelessly while driving through intersections are likely to cause accidents because of the convergence of traffic travelling in opposite directions. The following are examples of negligent conduct that leads to motorcycle crashes at intersections:

  • A driver causes a rear end collision with a motorcycle rider by braking late and abruptly at a traffic light.
  • A driver veers out of their lane to impact the side of a motorcycle rider while turning at the same time.
  • A driver makes a left turn and fails to yield the right of way to a motorcycle rider travelling towards him.

There are many other forms of negligence that can cause motorcycle accidents at intersections. Victims of such accidents can contact a Wall motorcycle accident lawyer for help evaluating the legal options available to them.

Major Highways

Additionally, many motorcycle accidents occur on major highways. The following are common causes of motorcycle accidents on highways:

  • Drivers travelling at inappropriate speeds in poor weather conditions
  • Loose cargo or debris left on the road
  • Drivers improperly changing lanes
  • Driver tailgating other motorists

There are several other potential causes of motorcycle accidents on highways. Furthermore, such accidents often occur at high speeds and cause catastrophic injuries. An experienced Wall motorcycle accident lawyer can help recover compensation for injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents on major highways.

Urban Areas

Lastly, urban areas are another common location of motorcycle crashes in Wall. In urban areas, it is common for pedestrians to cause accidents by jaywalking in front of bikers. Furthermore, streets in urban areas often have high traffic congestion. When there is traffic, drivers can become impatient and act erratically. This erratic behavior can also lead to motorcycle accidents. Victims of motorcycle crashes in urban areas can contact a Wall motorcycle accident lawyer for help building their case.

Time Limit to File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Wall, NJ

If you suffered a motorcycle accident in Wall, NJ, you will typically have three years from the date of your crash to file a lawsuit against an at-fault driver. However, you should begin working on your case as soon as possible. Relevant evidence can become harder to collect as time passes. For example, eyewitnesses may forget crucial details or important documents may be lost. Accordingly, victims should contact a Wall motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible after a crash to begin building their claim.

Furthermore, there are numerous requirements for filing a motorcycle accident lawsuit. For example, plaintiffs must file their case in the correct court, attach supporting documents, serve defendants, and file a complete claim. Failure to comply with any of these requirements could necessitate re-filing a claim. Therefore, potential plaintiffs should file their lawsuits as soon as possible to give themselves time to re-file if necessary.

Common Types of Injuries Caused by Motorcycle Accidents in Wall, NJ

Motorcycle accidents can cause a multitude of injuries. However, some injuries happen more often than others. The following are common types of injuries caused by motorcycle accidents in Wall, NJ:

  • Broken bones
  • Lacerations
  • Contusions
  • Internal injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Knee injuries

If you suffered any type of injury because of a motorcycle accident, you may be entitled to compensation. A Wall motorcycle accident lawyer can help assess the value of your case.

If You Were Injured Because of a Motorcycle Accident in Wall, NJ, Our Lawyers Can Help

If you were injured because of a motorcycle accident in Wall, NJ, seek assistance from an experienced Wall motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free case review.

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