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Union Beach, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can be extremely emotionally, physically, and financially damaging to Union Beach, NJ victims. Because of that, victims need an attorney who is prepared to fight for their interests in a lawsuit against a negligent party.

After a motorcycle accident in Union Beach, NJ, an experienced lawyer can help you file a lawsuit against a responsible party. Having an attorney by your side throughout each step in the litigation process is crucial to ensure you have the best chance at recovering compensatory damages. Your skilled lawyer will aim to prove a responsible party’s negligence by working hard to compile evidence that points to fault. From filing an initial complaint to battling through settlement negotiations, your dedicated attorney will strive to get you the justice you deserve after a motorcycle accident in Union Beach, NJ.

For decades, Jerry Friedman has helped his Union Beach, NJ neighbors file lawsuits against negligent drivers and recover compensatory damages. For a free case evaluation with Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

Filing a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Union Beach, NJ

After a motorcycle accident in Union Beach, NJ, victims need help filing a lawsuit against a negligent party. Embarking on this journey without help from an experienced lawyer can reduce the likelihood of filing a successful lawsuit. Motorcycle accident claims are complicated, which is why having an attorney by your side is crucial.

The process to file a lawsuit can be overwhelming for victims to undergo alone. First, your Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer must file a complaint with the courthouse in the proper jurisdiction. This complaint outlines the reason for your claim against a negligent party and an estimation of the damages you deserve. Having an attorney at this beginning stage is crucial so that no mistakes are made on an initial complaint that can impact your motorcycle accident lawsuit going forward.

Once your lawyer has filed a complaint with the court on your behalf, a defendant will respond, and you will move forward into the discovery phase of a lawsuit. Again, it is crucial to have a Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer by your side during this stage. An attorney’s experience can help them uncover useful evidence that can strengthen your claim against a negligent driver.

Often, the next step is settlement negotiations. Having a lawyer will be invaluable if both parties choose to forego a trial and engage in settlement discussions. Without an attorney to represent their interests, motorcycle accident victims may be more likely to accept a settlement offer that is far less than what they deserve. Your lawyer will fight for a sufficient settlement amount on your behalf and support you through a trial if discussions are futile.

Proving Fault in a Union Beach, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Proving fault in a Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident lawsuit can be difficult. Doing so requires gathering sufficient evidence to show a driver breached their duty of care. That is why Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident victims need an experienced attorney who has succeeded in proving a negligent driver’s liability in such cases.

All drivers on the road assume a duty of care to other drivers, including motorcyclists. This means that they must uphold traffic laws and act responsibly while driving. A breach of this duty of care can cause an accident that severely injures a motorcyclist. For example, reckless driving is considered a breach of a driver’s duty to care, as is drunk driving. Suppose a negligent driver’s actions directly caused your injuries. In that case, they can be held accountable in a Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident lawsuit.

Victims should visit the emergency room and call the police immediately after a motorcycle accident to make proving fault easier. Alerting Union Beach police officers to an accident scene can spur the creation of a police report. While this report is not considered evidence in a lawsuit, it can point to evidence and help your attorney strengthen your claim. Similarly, seeking medical attention is crucial to corroborate your injuries and their cause.

While drivers are often at fault for motorcycle accidents in Union Beach, NJ, it is still important for motorcyclists to abide by safety laws when operating their vehicles. For example, motorcyclists must wear a DOT-approved helmet at all times when riding in Union Beach, NJ. Comparative negligence laws could apply if you are injured in an accident while not wearing a helmet. While a negligent driver can still be largely responsible for your injuries, you may share a degree of fault, reducing your awarded damages. That is something bikers in Union Beach, NJ should consider each time they operate their motorcycle.

Recovering Damages for Union Beach, NJ Motorcycle Accident Victims

When you sue a negligent driver with help from a Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer, you have a greater chance of recovering sufficient compensatory damages. In Union Beach, NJ, victims can recover both economic and non-economic damages to help them heal from their injuries after a motorcycle accident.


Motorcycle accidents can be extremely damaging to victims. Life-altering injuries are common, as motorcycles offer little protection to riders. Because of that, victims in Union Beach, NJ stand to recover substantial economic damages to compensate them for the financial impact of a collision. These damages cover things like medical bills and lost wages that you have incurred and expect to incur due to your injuries. To make calculating economic damages fairly simple, motorcycle accident victims should keep medical records and other documents that show financial losses after a collision.


Motorcycle accidents are often traumatic and can result in injuries that reduce your quality of life. Because of that, victims can recover non-economic damages in a lawsuit against a negligent party. These types of damages attempt to compensate motorcycle accident victims for the pain and suffering they have experienced after a collision. A skilled lawyer can fight to get you the non-economic damages you deserve to aid in your recovery.

Call Our Union, Beach NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Today

Motorcycle accident victims in Union Beach, NJ should not have to go through the litigation process alone. For a free case evaluation with Union Beach, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

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