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Pine Hill Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents can result in devastating and life-changing injuries. In many cases, injured riders need significant compensation to cover their damages.

Fortunately, Jerry can help injured riders recover compensation from negligent drivers. Drivers are capable of injuring motorcyclists in numerous ways. Because riders are exposed to more danger, these accidents can be devastating. However, Jerry can help you get the evidence you need to prove your case.

For a free case consultation with a skilled motorcycle accident attorney, call Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 today.

The Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Pine Hill

Negligent drivers are capable of causing motorcycle accidents in countless ways. Many drivers fail to appreciate that they share the road with motorcyclists, only becoming aware after causing a serious accident. Fortunately, Jerry has years of experience fighting for riders to get the justice they deserve for their injuries. Regardless of how your injuries occurred, you are entitled to compensation if another person’s negligence caused them.

Distracted Driving

With the widespread use of technology now common, distracted driving has become a serious problem in Pine Hill and throughout New Jersey. It is one of the most common causes of motorcycle accident injuries here. The most common distractions besides cell phones include GPS devices, eating food, and drinking. However, drivers can also be distracted by passengers or loud music from their vehicles and fail to see a motorcyclist before it is too late.

Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is another common cause of serious motorcycle accidents in Pine Hill. Drunk drivers are especially dangerous to motorcyclists because they do not have the protection of an enclosed vehicle. Drunk drivers typically experience slower reaction times and impaired judgment. This is why many of these cases result in significant damages and even death.

Traffic Violations

Many drivers violate traffic laws on a daily basis without even realizing it, putting motorcycle riders at risk. Traffic violations include speeding, failing to yield right-of-way, improper lane changes, and running red lights and stop signs. These violations can lead to a collision with a motorcyclist even if the rider follows the rules of the road and obeys all traffic signals. Some drivers do not pay attention to motorcycles, while others try to squeeze through tight spaces when there is no room on the road.


Speeding is another common cause of motorcycle accidents in Pine Hill. Speeding accidents can be extremely serious as they have a high likelihood of causing severe injuries or death. New Jersey is infamous for how fast people drive on its roads. Thus, riders should be aware of speeding drivers as the chances of encountering one are high.

Failure to Yield the Right of Way

Many drivers do not expect motorcycles on the road with them, so they do not check their mirrors or look out for them when making turns. Failing to yield the right of way can lead to devasting T-bone accidents, which can be deadly for riders. Motorcycles also tend to be smaller than other vehicles on the road, so it might be hard for them to judge how far away the rider is and how fast they are moving even if a driver does see them, which is why they should yield until the rider passes.

Types of Evidence Used to Prove a Pine Hill Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

To recover compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries, you will need evidence to show that the other person caused your damages. The evidence you will need to prove your case typically comes from many different sources. In many cases, your efforts can directly contribute to the evidence used in your lawsuit. The following are the most common forms of evidence used in a Pine Hills motorcycle accident case:

Police Reports

The police report is one of the most important pieces of evidence in a motorcycle accident lawsuit. The officer at the accident scene will investigate the crash and put that information in the report. It can include descriptions of the vehicles involved, how they were damaged, driver contact and insurance information, and other information that may be relevant to your case. It might also include statements from witnesses who saw what happened. Reports with witness statements can be incredibly helpful as they can show inconsistencies between what happened and what the driver claimed happened after the fact.

The police report can help you prove that the driver that hit you was negligent if the report indicates that they received a ticket for causing the accident. In most cases, your police report can be obtained online from the law enforcement agency investigating your crash, but it might take about a week to be available.

Medical Records

Your medical records will be necessary evidence to prove how badly you were injured and what treatment you needed following the accident. These records will indicate whether injured rider needs ongoing care or if they have permanent injuries that affect their ability to work or enjoy life in the future. Medical records are especially important because they typically include the doctor’s conclusions about the cause of your current injuries.

This is why getting medical care immediately after a motorcycle accident is important. It documents your injuries and your efforts to mitigate them. It also shows insurance companies and the court that your injuries were serious and deserve compensation.


Photos taken at or near the scene of a motorcycle accident can help prove how severe the accident actually was and what the potential cause was. For instance, photographs can be used to show where skid marks were on the road or how far away your bike was when you were crashed into. You can use your smartphone to take photos of damages like broken glass, dented vehicles, and other evidence you think will help your case when pursuing compensation later. Much of the physical evidence from your accident will be cleaned from the street, making photos the best way to preserve this evidence for the future.

You can also include images of injuries sustained during an accident so that they can be compared with photos taken before the accident occurred and later when you have begun to heal. With evidence of your injuries when they were at their most severe, you have a better chance of increasing your award for damages.

Our Pine Hill Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Can Help

Contact Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 to get a free case review with a motorcycle accident attorney with years of experience.

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