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Mullica Township, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

A motorcycle accident lawyer can help crash victims seek financial compensation after accidents. Motorcycle accidents can cause victims to sustain serious injuries and immense financial expenses. The damages awarded in a motorcycle accident lawsuit can provide crucial aid to injured riders.

However, the legal process can be complicated and frustrating. Defendants’ insurance companies may attempt to avoid paying the full value of your claim. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can help negotiate for fair compensation.

If you were injured because of a motorcycle accident in Mullica Township, NJ, get help recovering the financial compensation you deserve. Contact an experienced Mullica Township motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free case review.

Dealing with Insurance Companies in Mullica Township, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits

It can be difficult to deal with defendants’ insurance companies during Mullica Township, NJ motorcycle accident lawsuits. Insurers may hire teams of people that employ various tactics to dispute your claim. An experienced Mullica Township motorcycle accident lawyer can offer guidance to and support to plaintiffs throughout each step of the process. The following are examples of ways our team can help when dealing with insurance companies in your case:

Establishing Fault

New Jersey courts will follow a modified comparative fault rule when awarding damages in motorcycle accident lawsuits. This means that damages will be awarded based on a percentage of fault. Accordingly, insurance companies often hire defense lawyers and private investigators to try and shift blame for a crash. By shifting blame onto the plaintiff, defendants’ insurers may avoid paying for certain damages caused by an accident.

An experienced Mullica Township motorcycle accident lawyer can help establish fault on behalf of a negligent defendant. The following are types of evidence our team may use when establishing fault:

  • Traffic camera footage
  • Eyewitness testimony
  • Photos from the crash scene
  • Physical evidence
  • Police officers’ accident reports
  • Expert witness testimony

However, the process for collecting such evidence can be tiresome. Some parties in control of important evidence may not be cooperative. Jerry Friedman can help gather the evidence required to establish fault and win your case.


Defendants’ insurers wish to settle case as quickly and as cheaply as possible. Many times, insurance adjusters will make low settlement offers in the immediate aftermath of a crash. Furthermore, insurance defense lawyers may employ various tactics to entice a low settlement agreement.

It is important that you avoid communicating with other parties and their insurance companies without an experienced Mullica Township motorcycle lawyer on your side. Jerry Friedman has years of experience negotiating with insurance companies in motorcycle accident lawsuits. Our team can ensure that you understand the true value of your case, so you may recover the full range of damages available to you.

Common Locations of Motorcycle Accidents in Mullica Township, NJ

Motorcycle accidents can occur at any time and at any place. Whenever other drivers on the road act carelessly or recklessly, crashes can occur. However, accidents occur in some places more regularly than others. The following are common locations of motorcycle accidents in Mullica Township:

Two-Lane Highways

Two lane highways are a common location of motorcycle accidents. Such roads usually involve two lanes of traffic travelling at a high rate of speed in opposite directions. If one vehicle begins to veer outside of their lane, devastating head-on collisions can occur.

Furthermore, such roads are often poorly lit and inadequately maintained. Therefore, many accidents may occur on two-lane highways due to unsafe road conditions. In any case, an experienced Mullica Township motorcycle accident lawyer can help victims recover compensation.


Intersections are also a common location of motorcycle accidents in Mullica Township, NJ. Intersections refer to areas where multiple roads converge. When motorists fail to obey traffic signals or yield the right of way, serious intersection accidents can happen. Such accidents are particularly common during rush hour or other periods of heavy traffic congestion.

Parking Lots

Many motorcycle accidents also occur in parking lots. Parking lots are areas where multiple vehicles and pedestrians may cross paths as the enter and exit the lot. Accordingly, harmful crashes can happen when drivers and pedestrians act carelessly in parking lots. Motor vehicles do not need to be travelling fast for serious injuries to occur. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can offer support to victims after such accidents.

Interstate Highways

Lastly, interstate highways are another common location of motorcycle accidents in Mullica Township. Vehicles travelling on interstate highways are often travelling at high rates of speed. Therefore, many motorists will have a more difficult time reacting to hazards on the road.

Furthermore, these highways are often busy and congested. Frustrated drivers travelling on interstate highways may cause accidents by making reckless and illegal maneuvers. An experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can help prove fault for crashes that occur on interstate highways.

Elements of a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Mullica Township, NJ

The strategies and analyses that apply to various motorcycle accident lawsuits can differ. Factors such as the cause of the crash and the extent of injuries suffered can affect a plaintiff’s route to compensation. However, in each case, four general elements must be established:

  • The defendant owed a duty of care to act a certain way under particular circumstances
  • The defendant breached that duty of care
  • You were injured because of the defendant’s breach of duty
  • You incurred damages because of your injuries

While these elements seem simple at first, applying them to your case can be difficult. There are many rules to remember when determining whether or not these elements have been satisfied.

If you were injured in a motorcycle crash, an experienced Mullica Township motorcycle accident lawyer can help determine if these elements have been established during a free case review. Therefore, you may understand your lawsuit’s chances of success.

If You Were Injured Because of a Motorcycle Accident in Mullica Township, NJ, Jerry Friedman Can Help

If you were injured because of a motorcycle accident in Mullica Township, NJ, seek assistance from an experienced Mullica Township motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free case review.

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