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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer New Milford

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When recovering from motorcycle accidents in New Milford, victims can turn to Jerry for support as they seek compensatory damages from negligent drivers.

Injury lawsuits for motorcycle accidents take varying amounts of time to complete, as some settle out of court while others go all the way to a trial. That said, all claims must be filed within two years of an accident, lest victims risk losing their chance to recover damages of any kind. When preparing your claim, we will carefully track your losses. This will include any medical expenses from necessary treatment, lost wages due to an inability to return to work or reduced earning capacity, and emotional pain and suffering, among other losses. Knowing your damages before filing a lawsuit is crucial so that you can more easily evaluate settlement offers from the defendant in your case.

Call New Milford motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free and confidential case assessment.

Estimating the Length of Your New Milford Motorcycle Accident Case

The specific facts of your case will dictate how long it takes to end, as will other factors, like the defendant’s willingness to settle. When evaluating your case, motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman can estimate its length and explain when you can expect to recover damages in New Milford.

A lawsuit’s length often depends on settlement negotiations. Victims with weaker cases might struggle to settle claims quickly, especially if a defendant argues against being fully liable for a victim’s damages. We can speed up settlement negotiations by preparing and organizing evidence beforehand so that we have proof to leverage during discussions.

When lawsuits do not settle, they might go to court. This might extend the recovery process, as you will have to wait for your case to reach the court docket. Then, both sides will present their arguments and evidence, and the jury will decide on liability. Trials might take a few short weeks, several months, or longer, depending on each case.

Settling out of court does not necessarily take less time than proceeding with a trial. If settlement negotiations are taking too long, leaving uncompensated for too long, we can move forward with a trial. Depending on the case, the suggestion that you may go to court might be enough to convince the defendant to settle sooner, letting you get the damages you need sooner as well.

Victims should not settle too quickly into negotiations because they need compensation fast. Accepting any of the first few settlement offers from the defendant might leave you uncompensated for all damages. Before advising you to accept a settlement, Jerry will calculate your deserved economic and non-economic damages in New Milford.

Although the lawsuit itself could take any amount of time to complete, victims only have a set amount of time to file. In New Jersey, the statute of limitations for motorcycle injury claims is two years. Attempt to file any later than the deadline, and the court may dismiss your lawsuit.

Damages to Track from a New Milford Motorcycle Accident

As our team prepares your case, we will track all your damages from a motorcycle accident, including any medical expenses, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket costs. We will also help you document your intangible damages so you get compensation for any pain and suffering from a motorcycle crash in New Milford.

Medical Expenses

By tracking your medical expenses, you can show the court the exact amounts you were charged for treatments. For example, all costs from your first trip to the emergency room should be compensable. As should the cost of any surgeries or physical therapy treatments. If you need to take prescription medication because of your injuries, the cost of that medication should be covered.

Victims with long-term injuries can get compensation for medical costs not yet incurred, as well. To ensure this, we may get medical experts to testify about your likely future treatment. In addition to tracking your medical damages, we will also help obtain and organize your medical records, which we will need to prove you sustained injuries during the motorcycle accident in question.

By intentionally tracking your medical damages from the get-go in New Milford, we can keep such information organized and readily accessible throughout your claim.

Lost Wages

Traumatic motorcycle accident injuries often make victims miss work, leading to lost wages. We can use employment records and wage information to calculate your missed income from the accident so that your lawsuit covers these damages.

Like medical damages, you can get compensation for future lost wages if you can never return to work or your working capacity is permanently reduced because of the accident.

Other Costs

If you incur any other economic damages, like childcare or transportation costs, tell our lawyers, and we can include them in our total calculation of your losses in New Milford. If you are unsure if a cost is related to the accident, ask us for clarification as we prepare your claim.

Intangible Damages

Intangible damages refer to emotional losses due to an accident. For example, with physical injuries comes physical and emotional pain and suffering. Though not concrete, these losses are felt no less deeply than economic damages in New Milford.

Victims can document their pain and suffering in several ways, namely by speaking with and confiding in mental health professionals. Experts can also testify to the reduced quality of life commonly associated with your specific injuries. Victims can also give personal statements explaining the mental anguish they have experienced or the challenges they have faced while recovering from motorcycle accidents. New Jersey does not cap non-economic damages for motorcycle accident victims, and your recovery will be based on your personal experience.

Call Jerry in New Milford About Your Case

Call motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free case review

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