Sayreville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle riders have an unfair reputation for being risk-takers on the road, but many motorcycle accidents result from driver negligence, not riders. In many cases, riders can sue drivers for their damages.
Motorcycle accidents might have numerous possible causes, including distracted drivers, traffic violations, and driver indifference. In car accidents, drivers are covered by no-fault insurance, but motorcycle riders are not covered by no-fault insurance in New Jersey. As such, you must prove fault in an insurance claim. You can also file a personal injury lawsuit a bit more easily because the legal restrictions of the no-fault insurance system do not apply to riders. Damages in motorcycle crashes are often quite significant because injuries tend to be severe. To prove your claims and get compensation for your extensive damages, you need to find strong evidence that supports your case.
Motorcycle accidents are often very bad, and riders often receive unfair blame. Our Sayreville motorcycle accident lawyer can help you file a lawsuit to prove that the other driver caused the crash and should cover your damages. Call Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free case review.
Common Causes of Sayreville Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents are dangerous and unpredictable. Motorcycle riders are often very cautious on the road, despite the popular misconception that riders are risk-takers and daredevils. The truth is that careless drivers in cars and trucks cause many motorcycle crashes. Our Sayreville motorcycle accident lawyer can help you prove that another driver is responsible for your injuries.
Distracted driving is a huge concern on the roads and highways today. With the prevalence of technology and communication devices throughout our daily lives, becoming distracted behind the wheel is now more common than ever. In many motorcycle crashes, drivers in cars were testing, making phone calls, looking at GPS devices, or otherwise not paying attention to the road.
Traffic violations are also a huge concern for motorcycle riders because riders are very vulnerable to other vehicles on the road, and a traffic violation increases the risk of accidents. For example, if a driver in a car fails to use a turn signal, they could hit a motorcycle rider they did not see in their blind spot. Additionally, speeding violations are significant factors in many accidents, as increased speeds can make minor accidents bad and bad accidents worse. If the police issued the other driver a citation, we can use that citation to support your claims in a lawsuit.
As mentioned before, motorcycle riders have an unfair reputation for being risky on the road, and drivers tend to disregard motorcycles. This often means that no matter how careful a motorcycle rider is, one indifferent driver could ruin everything and cause a bad accident.
Filing a Lawsuit for a Sayreville Motorcycle Accident
Filing a lawsuit for auto accidents in New Jersey is often difficult because of the state’s insurance laws. The same laws and restrictions do not bind motorcycle riders, so lawsuits are a bit easier to file. Our Sayreville motorcycle accident attorney can help you take legal action to get your damages and expenses from your crash covered.
In New Jersey, drivers must carry no-fault insurance and file claims through their own insurance policies rather than file third-party claims against other drivers. However, the no-fault insurance system does not cover motorcycle riders, so they can file a lawsuit whenever they want.
Your lawsuit begins with an initial complaint submitted to the court. The complaint is a formal legal document containing specific details and information about you, the defendant, your accident, and your damages. We must also include enough evidence to show the court that a cause of action really exists and warrants a trial.
We also must serve a notice of your lawsuit on the defendant so they are aware of the case and can respond to your claims. Defendants have a limited time to respond and refute your claims. We can move for a default judgment if they fail to respond, and you win your case by default. If they do respond, we move on to the next steps of the case and prepare for a trial.
Damages Available in Sayreville Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits
Damages in motorcycle accident cases are usually very high because riders are often severely injured. Since riders are not protected within enclosed vehicles like drivers, they are far more vulnerable to injuries. Assessing damages can quickly become complicated, and our Sayreville motorcycle accident lawyer can help you calculate damages so that you can take advantage of all potential compensation.
Economic damages stem from monetary losses and expenses directly resulting from your accident. Medical bills are perhaps the most significant source of economic damages in motorcycle accident cases. Riders often experience broken bones, brain damage, spinal cord injuries, and other catastrophic injuries that require extensive and costly treatment. Often, medical treatment is ongoing and long-term, and plaintiffs can claim future medical expenses on top of those already incurred.
Non-economic damages are sometimes more elusive and harder to pin down because they are based on subjective experiences rather than concrete monetary values. Perhaps the most common non-economic damages claimed in accident cases are physical and emotional pain and suffering. Motorcycle crashes are very painful experiences in addition to being traumatic. Many riders struggle with mental health after an accident, and these experiences deserve compensation. You might also claim damages related to humiliation, damage to your reputation, and other negative experiences.
Call Our Sayreville Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for Help Now
Motorcycle crashes are major events that often involve severe injuries and high damages. Our Sayreville motorcycle accident attorney can help you fight for justice and compensation from the negligent driver in your case. For a free case review, call Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464.