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Jackson Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

When victims are injured in a motorcycle accident in Jackson, they may require substantial compensation. To hold a negligent driver accountable and recover what they deserve, victims can call our motorcycle accident lawyer after a crash in Jackson.

After a motorcycle accident in Jackson, victims may file a lawsuit to recover compensation. New Jersey’s mandatory no-fault insurance coverage does not extend to motorcycle accident damages. In Jackson and throughout New Jersey, motorcycle accident victims have just two years to file a compensation claim against a negligent driver. To prove that a defendant caused your injuries, your attorney will use evidence like security camera footage, eyewitness testimony, and medical records. Once your attorney has proven fault, you can recover considerable economic and non-economic damages in a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Jackson.

For many years, Jerry Friedman has helped motorcycle accident victims in Jackson recover the compensation they deserve. For a free case evaluation with Jackson motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

Motorcycle Accidents and No-Fault Insurance Laws in Jackson

Motorcycle accidents can be severe, often causing serious injuries to victims. If you were recently injured in a motorcycle accident in Jackson, call our experienced attorney right away. Because of New Jersey’s no-fault laws for vehicle accidents, your options for compensation may be limited.

New Jersey is a no-fault state for most vehicle accidents, not including motorcycle accidents. While car accident victims may be able to file a claim with their personal injury protection (PIP) insurance, that is not an option for motorcycle accident victims in Jackson. This is the case even if you have PIP insurance to cover your injuries in case of a car accident, bicycle accident, or pedestrian accident. Filing a claim with your health insurance or a negligent driver’s liability insurance might be an option. Still, filing an insurance claim may not result in a favorable settlement for victims.

Because of that, motorcyclists injured in a crash may only be able to recover sufficient compensation by filing a lawsuit against a negligent driver in Jackson. Our Jackson motorcycle accident lawyer can assess a collision, including your injuries and an at-fault party’s negligence, to determine if you have a case.

Statute of Limitations for Motorcycle Accident Lawsuits in Jackson

After a motorcycle accident in Jackson, it is important that victims act quickly. In New Jersey, the statute of limitations for victims to file a motorcycle accident lawsuit is just two years from the date of injury.

Seeking counsel immediately after a motorcycle accident is crucial. Although a two-year statute of limitations might initially appear like an adequate timeframe, hospital bills and lost wages may quickly become overwhelming for motorcycle accident victims. Not to mention, if you fail to bring a lawsuit before the filing deadline, you may lose your opportunity to recover compensation in Jackson.

Do not delay filing a lawsuit. Waiting to bring a claim might make your injuries appear insignificant, even if you file before the deadline. It is best to consult our skilled Jackson motorcycle accident lawyer immediately after a crash and bring a claim right away. Otherwise, you may jeopardize your access to compensatory damages.

Proving Fault in a Jackson Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

In order to recover compensation in motorcycle accident lawsuits, victims must prove a negligent driver’s fault. To accomplish this feat, victims should hire experienced and resourceful Jackson motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman to represent them.

Immediately after a motorcycle accident, your attorney can begin investigating your case. Using police reports, eyewitness statements, security camera footage, and other information, your attorney can uncover evidence that proves a negligent driver’s fault. Calling the police and visiting the hospital after a crash can create crucial documentation of injuries and damages that your lawyer can use to strengthen your compensation claim.

New Jersey is a modified comparative fault state. That means if a victim is partially at-fault for their injuries, they may see their damages reduced in proportion to their liability. These laws often affect motorcyclists who did not wear helmets during a crash and sustained a head injury. Anticipating and disproving claims that you contributed to your injuries is essential so that you can recover the compensation you deserve.

Compensation for Jackson Motorcycle Accident Victims

In Jackson, motorcycle accident victims can recover significant compensation against negligent drivers when they file a lawsuit. Recovery for all losses is never guaranteed, so hiring an experienced and dependable attorney is important when you file a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Jackson.

Economic Damages

Because motorcycles offer little protection to riders and most vehicles are much larger than motorcycles, victims often sustain serious injuries in motorcycle accidents. Common motorcycle accident injuries in Jackson include traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. Since many motorcycle accident injuries require extensive and expensive medical treatment, victims might be financially impacted by a negligent driver’s actions.

That is why motorcycle accident victims can often recover economic damages when they file a lawsuit against a negligent driver in Jackson. After proving a defendant’s fault and providing proof of damages, victims can recover compensation for all financial losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and other out-of-pocket expenses.

Non-Economic Damages

Injuries can have a profound impact on motorcycle accident victims. Emotional difficulties, like anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder, are not uncommon in injured motorcycle accident victims. Severe, life-altering injuries can cause significant emotional struggles for victims in Jackson. Because of that, victims may be able to recover non-economic damages in a motorcycle accident lawsuit.

Proving the need for non-economic damages can be challenging. Emotional difficulties, though impactful, do not come with a price tag. To demonstrate your need for non-economic damages, your attorney may advise that you see a therapist or keep a journal. Documenting your emotional difficulties and the impact of a defendant’s negligence on your life is crucial to recover non-economic damages in a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Jackson.

Call Jackson Lawyer Jerry Friedman About Your Motorcycle Accident Today

If you were recently injured in a motorcycle accident in Jackson, Jerry can help. For a free case evaluation with Jackson motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

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