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Hammonton, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After a motorcycle accident in Hammonton, NJ, you may be at a loss for what to do next. Victims should hire an experienced attorney to help them file a lawsuit against a negligent driver and recover substantial compensatory damages.

Because of Hammonton, NJ’s complex no-fault insurance laws, suing a negligent driver may be the only course of action for motorcycle accident victims to recover sufficient damages. Once you file a lawsuit, your skilled attorney will employ their resources and experience to prove a negligent driver’s fault and recover compensatory damages on your behalf. Generally, hiring a lawyer immediately after a motorcycle accident lawsuit is necessary. Victims often need fast access to compensatory damages, and waiting too long to act can impact a Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawsuit’s outcome.

Jerry Friedman has been helping motorcycle accident victims throughout Hammonton, NJ hold negligent drivers accountable for decades. For a free case evaluation with Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

Reasons to File a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Hammonton, NJ

Suppose you recently were injured in a motorcycle accident in Hammonton, NJ, but are unsure whether to file a lawsuit for compensatory damages. In that case, there are a few things you should consider. For example, Hammonton, NJ’s no-fault insurance laws can make recovering compensation through insurance much more difficult for motorcyclists. Because of that, filing a lawsuit is often the best option for motorcycle accident victims.

Hammonton, NJ drivers must carry personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. The purpose of this is to reduce the need for lawsuits after collisions in Hammonton, NJ. Victims need only turn to their PIP coverage instead of filing a lawsuit or insurance claim against a negligent driver. Unfortunately, PIP insurance does not extend to motorcyclists in Hammonton, NJ. Even if you have PIP for your car, it will not compensate you for injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident.

In addition, motorcyclists in Hammonton, NJ are only required to carry liability insurance in the event of a collision. It is also important to note that negligent driver’s liability insurance may not be enough to cover the cost of your injuries. Motorcycle accident victims may only have two options after a crash: turn to their medical insurance or file a lawsuit. In some cases, victims with underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage can recover damages by filing a claim.

Generally speaking, the best course of action after a devastating motorcycle accident in Hammonton, NJ is to sue a negligent driver. Unfortunately, PIP does not cover motorcyclists, and filing a claim against a negligent driver’s liability insurance may be insufficient. Suing a responsible party with help from a Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer will also allow injured victims to recover sufficient damages and heal after a catastrophic collision.

Proving Fault in a Hammonton, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Proving fault in a Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawsuit can be difficult. These cases are often complex and require keen insight from a skilled Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer. If you do not have an experienced attorney in your corner, proving fault can be challenging.

Unfortunately, motorcycle accident lawsuits in Hammonton, NJ are not always cut and dry. However, even the most complex case will not dissuade your skilled attorney. Your Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer will launch a thorough investigation into the circumstances of your collision. By uncovering available evidence, like medical records, eyewitness testimony, and security camera footage, your attorney can prove a driver’s negligence and your need for damages.

By building a strong case against a negligent driver, your Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer can provide you with options. For example, when your attorney compiles sufficient evidence pointing to a negligent driver’s fault, a defendant may be inclined to settle. Victims then can settle out of court or proceed with a trial. This gives victims the upper hand in a motorcycle accident lawsuit.

Damages in a Hammonton, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Motorcycle accidents in Hammonton, NJ can be incredibly damaging to victims. Since motorcycles offer little protection to bikers, victims can sustain serious injuries even when wearing the proper protective gear. Your Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer will work hard to recover substantial compensation on your behalf so that you can begin to heal after a damaging condition.

Generally, motorcycle accident victims in Hammonton, NJ can recover both economic and non-economic damages in a lawsuit. Economic damages seek to compensate victims for the financial impact a motorcycle accident has had on their lives. For example, expenses relating to an accident, like medical bills and physical therapy, are often compensated. Current and future lost wages may also be compensated for through economic damages, depending on the severity of your injuries.

Because motorcycle accidents are often so damaging, victims can also recover non-economic damages. These damages are harder to quantify as they attempt to compensate victims for the pain and suffering they have endured as a result of a negligent driver’s actions.

Various things, like Hammonton, NJ’s comparative negligence laws, can negatively impact a motorcycle accident lawsuit and reduce a victim’s awarded damages. For example, if you are found to be partially responsible for your injuries, you could receive lesser damages. Your skilled attorney will work to prove that your level of fault did not exceed a defendant’s and that a defendant was solely to blame for your collision.

When to Hire a Hammonton, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Victims should hire an attorney immediately after sustaining injuries in a motorcycle accident in Hammonton, NJ. The longer you wait, the more difficult it can be to recover damages in a lawsuit against a negligent party.

Acting quickly is crucial after a Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident. The statute of limitations to file a compensation claim is two years from the date of injury. Suppose you wait too long to hire a Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer. In that case, you may lose your right to file a lawsuit for compensatory damages.

Waiting to hire a lawyer and sue a negligent driver can make your injuries appear insignificant without need for compensation. After a motorcycle accident of any kind, it is important to hire an attorney immediately to have the best chance of recovering the damages you deserve.

Call Today if You Have Been Injured in a Motorcycle Accident in Hammonton, NJ

If you have recently sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident in Hammonton, NJ, call Jerry for help. For a free case evaluation with Hammonton, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

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