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Elmwood Park NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Individuals hurt when riding their motorcycles may be able to recover compensation for their damages in Elmwood Park. To do this, you will require evidence of another party’s fault.

The process of gathering evidence for a claim begins as soon as a motorcycle crash occurs in Elmwood Park. In addition to reporting an accident to the police, victims should also speak with eyewitnesses so that they can provide statements in the future. Take pictures of your injuries and property damage and go to the hospital right away. We can then get statements from experts and find additional evidence, such as footage from security cameras, to further solidify your claim. Generally speaking, any person hurt while riding their motorcycle can sue for compensation, provided another party is at fault for causing the victim’s injuries.

Call 1-800-529-4464 to have a free and confidential discussion about your case with Elmwood Park, NJ motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman.

How to Gather Evidence for Your Elmwood Park, NJ Motorcycle Accident Case

Proving a defendant’s fault in a motorcycle accident claim requires evidence. To meet the burden of proof, motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman will advise that you take certain steps following your incident, such as calling the police and seeking medical attention. Jerry will then investigate your accident, visiting the incident location and speaking with experts to uncover additional evidence of a defendant’s fault.

Call the Police

Motorcycle accidents that result in injury must be reported to the police in Elmwood Park. Although police reports are typically inadmissible as evidence in New Jersey, they can still help your case by providing additional insight into the circumstances of the event and the parties involved. Do not wait to alert law enforcement of your incident, even if you appear uninjured. Having this documentation will be crucial when building your case for compensation.

Speak with Eyewitnesses

If you are able to speak with eyewitnesses after a motorcycle crash in Elmwood Park, do not hesitate to do so. Eyewitnesses can provide statements explaining what they saw preceding, during, and after an accident. For example, suppose an eyewitness saw a driver speeding or weaving in and out of lanes prior to the collision. In that case, such information can help you to prove the defendant’s fault and recover compensatory damages. Statements from eyewitnesses can also help victims undermine any arguments from a defendant that a victim contributed to an accident.

Take Pictures

Photographs can provide much-needed context during a motorcycle accident claim. Take pictures of the aftermath of the accident, including any debris on the road or damage to your motorcycle. Photograph your injuries as well. If you cannot take pictures because you are too severely injured, request that first responders or eyewitnesses do so on your behalf. We can then obtain those images by making an informal request or subpoenaing them if necessary.

Go to the Hospital

When filing a personal injury claim of any sort, it is crucial that you can submit evidence that supports the fact that you were injured. This is best achieved by going to the hospital as soon as possible after a motorcycle crash. Most often, in these cases, victims are obviously injured and require immediate medical care. Do not worry about the possible cost of your treatment, as you can recover compensation for such expenses in a lawsuit against a negligent party in Elmwood Park.

Get Expert Statements

Statements from experts can round out a compensation claim and solidify a victim’s case. For example, medical experts can attest to a victim’s anticipated recovery time and explain the likely medical care they will require to heal from their injuries properly. Statements from vehicular experts might be necessary if a defendant claims that an issue with their vehicle was the root cause of an accident in an attempt to evade liability. Experts can add a layer of authority to a case that other evidence cannot.

Return to the Accident Scene

Going back to the accident scene can be important for a variety of reasons. First, returning to the locations where motorcycle accidents occurred can help victims remember certain details that might have previously slipped their minds. It can also alert you to certain signage, like no turn signs or stop signs, that a negligent driver might have ignored when causing your accident. Going to the area where you were injured might alert you to nearby security cameras that could have filmed the incident.

Knowing When to File a Motorcycle Crash Lawsuit in Elmwood Park, NJ

If you were at all injured in a motorcycle collision in Elmwood Park, and you were hurt because of another party’s negligence, you have the right to pursue compensation via a lawsuit.

New Jersey’s no-fault insurance laws do not apply to motorcycle crashes, meaning injured motorcyclists do not have to meet certain criteria in order to sue. So, any injury could make you eligible to file a lawsuit against the party responsible.

That said, you will only have a short time to pursue compensation. In Elmwood Park, all motorcycle accident cases must be brought within two years of the accident occurring. Victims who do not act quickly could become ineligible to sue a defendant. Furthermore, some evidence, like eyewitnesses’ recollections, could degrade over time. Other evidence, like footage from surveillance cameras, might be erased as time passes. Claims are often less successful in general the longer they are delayed. Because of this, it is crucial that victims of motorcycle accidents begin building their cases as soon as they realize they require compensation for their injuries in Elmwood Park. If you are unsure whether or not you can sue based on the facts of your case, ask Jerry for clarification.

Call Jerry to Discuss Your Elmwood Park, NJ Motorcycle Accident

Call motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free evaluation of your case.

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