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Delran Township Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accident victims may sustain serious injuries that require expensive treatment. To recover the compensation they deserve, victims should turn to our experienced attorney after a motorcycle accident in Delran Township.

Immediately after a motorcycle accident in Delran Township, victims should hire an attorney. A skilled lawyer can explain your options for compensation and clarify why filing a lawsuit may be preferable to filing an insurance claim. In a compensation claim against a negligent driver, your attorney can prove a defendant’s fault by compiling evidence like photographs, medical records, eyewitness statements, and other documents. By filing a successful compensation claim, motorcycle accident victims can recover the economic and non-economic damages they need to heal after a crash in Delran Township.

Jerry Friedman is committed to helping motorcycle accident victims in Delran Township recover the compensatory damages they deserve. For a free and confidential case evaluation with Delran Township motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

Paths to Recovery After a Motorcycle Accident in Delran Township

After a motorcycle accident in Delran Township, victims may require compensation. To recover the damages they deserve, victims might initially think to turn to their personal injury protection (PIP) insurance. Unfortunately, New Jersey’s no-fault insurance system does not make recovery easy for motorcycle accident victims. In order to fully understand your options for recovery after a crash, you should consult our Delran Township motorcycle accident lawyer. Experienced attorney Jerry Friedman can explain the difficulties of filing an insurance claim and why pursuing litigation may be more fruitful.

Insurance Claim

New Jersey is a no-fault state for most vehicle accidents. In many situations, accident victims must file a claim with their PIP coverage after a crash, regardless of who is at fault. This provides a safety net of sorts for car accident victims in case filing a lawsuit or a claim with a negligent driver’s insurance is impossible. Unfortunately, PIP insurance does not cover motorcycle accidents, even if a motorcyclist has PIP insurance.

Because of that, filing a claim with your PIP coverage is impossible after a motorcycle crash in Delran Township. Other options include filing a claim with your own health insurance or a negligent driver’s liability insurance. However, if a negligent driver is uninsured or such claims do not result in a satisfactory settlement, victims may be left without adequate compensation.


Unlike other vehicle accident victims, motorcycle accident victims do not have to sustain certain injuries to file a lawsuit in Delran Township. New Jersey is a no-fault state, meaning most vehicle accident victims’ injuries must meet certain criteria to sue a negligent driver. However, since motorcycles crashes are not included in New Jersey’s no-fault system, motorcycle accident victims are free to file a lawsuit to recover compensation, regardless of the severity of their injuries.

While motorcycle accident victims are generally eligible to file a lawsuit in Delran Township, that does not mean the process is simple. Because of that, it is important for victims to hire experienced Delran Township motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman. Jerry can begin investigating an accident from the get-go and can help you bring a successful compensation claim within the statute of limitations. In Delran Township and throughout New Jersey, the deadline to file a lawsuit is two years.

Proving Fault in a Delran Township Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

In motorcycle accident lawsuits, victims must prove that it is more likely than not that a defendant caused their injuries to recover compensation. To meet this burden of proof, victims should hire an experienced Delran Township motorcycle accident lawyer to represent them.

Proving fault in a motorcycle accident can be challenging. When building a case, your attorney may start with the police report for your collision. Although this report will likely not be considered evidence in your lawsuit against a negligent driver, it can provide your attorney with a clear view of an accident’s events.

Using this report as a starting point, your lawyer can uncover evidence, such as security camera footage, photographs, and eyewitness statements, that prove a negligent driver’s fault. Your attorney may also use other evidence, like your medical records, to illustrate the damage a negligent driver has caused.

Though often difficult, proving fault in a motorcycle accident lawsuit is crucial so that victims can recover what they deserve. To improve your chances of recovery and to hold a negligent driver accountable, you can hire skilled attorney Jerry Friedman to represent you.

Compensation for Delran Township Motorcycle Accident Victims

Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for victims to sustain serious injuries in motorcycle accidents in Delran Township. If you were recently injured in such a collision, reach out to an experienced lawyer immediately. Our Delran Township motorcycle accident lawyer can help you recover economic and non-economic damages in a lawsuit against an at-fault driver.

Because motorcycles are relatively small vehicles that offer virtually no protection to riders, victims may sustain serious injuries when struck by another vehicle. This might be the case even if a motorcyclist wore the necessary protective gear during a crash, such as a helmet. Common motorcycle accident injuries in Delran Township include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and broken bones.

Since so many motorcycle accident injuries require expensive medical treatment and rehabilitation, victims can recover significant economic damages in a lawsuit against a negligent driver. These damages can compensate victims for financial losses incurred because of a defendant’s negligence, like hospital bills and lost wages.

Physical injuries do not just have a financial effect on motorcycle accident victims but an emotional one as well. Inform your attorney if you have experienced significant emotional difficulties following a motorcycle accident, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. You may be able to recover non-economic damages in a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Delran Township.

Call Jerry Friedman About Your Motorcycle Accident Today

If you were recently injured in a motorcycle accident in Delran Township, Jerry can help. For a free case evaluation with Delran Township motorcycle accident lawyer Jerry Friedman, call today at 1-800-529-4464.

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