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Bloomfield, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

There are many types of negligent conduct that can lead to motorcycle accidents. For instance, riders may suffer injuries because another driver committed an improper left turn, attempted an illegal lane change, or was travelling at an excessive speed. When these collisions occur, victims are prone to suffering serious harm.

A motorcycle accident lawyer can help injured riders fight for financial compensation. Motorcycle accident lawsuits can be complex and tiresome processes. An experienced attorney can help guide plaintiffs through each step of the legal process.

If you were hurt because of a motorcycle accident in Bloomfield, NJ, get help obtaining the payment you deserve. Get in touch with an experienced Bloomfield motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free review of your case.

Types of Damages Available to Plaintiffs in Bloomfield, NJ Motorcycle Accident Cases

There are several factors that can influence the type and amount of monetary damages awarded in a motorcycle accident lawsuit. After reviewing your case, a Bloomfield motorcycle accident lawyer can help assess which of the following damages you may be able to recover:

Lost Wages

Many motorcycle accidents can cause victims to suffer painful and debilitating injuries that force them to spend time away from work during recovery. Fortunately, plaintiffs in motorcycle accident lawsuits can recover compensation for any income lost while their injuries healed. Damages for lost wages will usually be quantified using your average weekly income.

In some cases, a victim’s motorcycle accident injuries will permanently restrict them from performing the same duties that they could before their crash. Accordingly, plaintiffs may also pursue compensation for their lost earning capacity in the future. The assistance of a Bloomfield motorcycle accident lawyer can be very beneficial when gathering evidence to support such a claim.

Medical Expenses

Plaintiffs can also recover compensation for any medical costs related to their motorcycle accident injuries. All past, current, and future medical bills may be covered. These expenses are calculated using medical bills and records. Therefore, it is important to visit a physician as soon as possible after a motorcycle crash. Official documentation of your injuries will be required when seeking compensation.

Pain and Suffering

Monetary damages for physical pain and emotional suffering can be recovered by motorcycle accident plaintiffs in Bloomfield. In addition to causing great physical pain, there are certain injuries that can inhibit victims’ abilities to enjoy their life and partake in meaningful familial relationships. These damages can be hard to quantify. When awarding damages for a victim’s pain and suffering, courts will usually look to the overall impact an injury had on their life. An experienced Bloomfield motorcycle accident lawyer can help fight for pain and suffering damages in your case.

Property Damage

Many rider’s bikes are badly damaged because of collisions with careless drivers. Fortunately, plaintiffs can also seek compensation for and property damage they sustained. These damages are usually determined by the cost of repair or replacement of your vehicle.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses

Lastly, injured riders can also pursue compensation for out-of-pocket expenses related to their accidents. There are countless types of out-of-pocket expenses that may arise. For example, you may incur expenses for the cost of transportation to and from your medical appointments.

Damages for out-of-pocket expenses will be established using receipts and other financial documents. Therefore, you should collect and preserve any receipts for costs you incurred because of your motorcycle crash.

Settling a Motorcycle Accident Case vs. Taking a Motorcycle Accident Case to Trial in Bloomfield

Most plaintiffs will have to choose between settling their motorcycle accident case early or taking their case to trial. When parties to a lawsuit reach a settlement agreement, the defendant is ordered to pay a certain amount of monetary damages to the plaintiff in exchange for the dismissal of their case. If you settle your case early, you can save on a multitude of expenses associated with going to trial. For example, plaintiffs who take their cases to trial may have to pay additional expert witness fees, filing fees, attorney’s fees, among other costs. Also, by reaching a settlement agreement, you can obtain financial compensation sooner.

Still, settling early is not always the appropriate choice. Defendants are often represented by insurers who wish to settle cases for as little as possible. Insurance companies will usually hire defense attorneys who will employ various tactics to entice cheap settlement agreements. By going to trial, plaintiffs have the opportunity to recover additional damages. However, if you are unsuccessful at trial, you may be left empty handed. An experienced Bloomfield motorcycle accident lawyer can review any settlement offers and help decide if going to trial is the right choice for you.

Statute of Limitations for Bloomfield, NJ Motorcycle Accident Cases

States’ statutes of limitations set forth timelines for bringing specific types of cases to court. According to N.J.S.A. § 2A:14-2, victims in Bloomfield will generally have two years from the dates of their motorcycle accidents to file their lawsuits. Noncompliance with this deadline may cause your case to be thrown out.

You should contact a Bloomfield motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible after your crash. Even though you may have two years to file your case, crucial evidence related to your claim can become hard to gather over time. Witnesses can forget pertinent details and physical evidence may be hard to preserve. By reaching out to our team early, we can more easily collect the evidence necessary to win your case.

There are also several other requirements you must comply with when filing a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Bloomfield. For example, you have to file a complete case, attach supporting documents, pay administrative fees, and serve all defendants. If you do not satisfy one of these requirements, you may have to re-file. Plaintiffs who bring their cases to court early will afford themselves time to re-file if necessary.

If You Were Injured Because of a Motorcycle Accident in Bloomfield, NJ, Jerry Friedman Can Help

If you were injured because of a motorcycle crash, seek support from an experienced Bloomfield motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 for a free review of your case.

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