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New Jersey Motorcycle Accident Law Blog

Motorcycle Injury Statistics

Motorcycle accidents are, unfortunately, common across the country. While there are far less motorcycles on the road than other vehicles, they are overly involved in vehicle accident. Negligent drivers do not pay the attention they should to riders, leading to a...


Should You Hire a Lawyer After Your Motorcycle Accident?

No matter how safe you try to be, sometimes you cannot avoid getting injured in a motorcycle accident. The question many riders have after is whether they should hire a lawyer to handle their claim. Even if you do not think you need to file a lawsuit, hiring a skilled...


What to Expect in Your Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

Motorcycle riders take great care of their safety, knowing that a negligent driver can strike at any moment. However, they might not know what to expect after getting injured and they need to file a lawsuit. Fortunately, Jerry has been litigating motorcycle accident...


How to Prove Negligence in a Motorcycle Injury Case

Before getting compensation for motorcycle accident injuries, victims may have to prove liability unless their lawsuits settle out of court. Proving negligence requires plaintiffs to establish the four elements of an injury claim. The first is that the defendant owed...

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