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Berkeley, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

After motorcycle accidents, injured riders can file cases seeking several categories of monetary damages related to their injuries. In order for their lawsuits to succeed, plaintiffs must prove that they were injured because of defendants’ negligent actions.

Defendants and their insurance companies will often try shift blame and dispute crucial elements of plaintiffs’ claims. Accordingly, the assistance of a motorcycle accident lawyer can be highly valuable when filing your case. An experienced attorney can help gather evidence, negotiate with insurers, and fight for fair compensation.

If you suffered injuries because of a motorcycle accident in Berkeley, NJ, get help seeking the damages you deserve. Reach out to an experienced Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 to review your case for free.

Common Causes of Berkeley, NJ Motorcycle Accidents

A great number of motorcycle crashes happen because of other drivers’ careless and reckless behavior. Fortunately, at-fault drivers can be held accountable for collisions they cause. The following are common causes of motorcycle accidents in Berkeley:

Improper Lane Changes

Many motorcycle accidents occur as a result of improper lane changes committed by negligent motorists. Illegal lane changes can happen when drivers change lanes without using their turn signals or when drivers attempt to change lanes in illegal zones. If you were injured because a driver committed an improper lane change, a Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyer can help build your case.

Improper Left Turns

Improper left turns are also a common cause of motorcycle crashes in Berkeley. Drivers often fail to yield the right of way because they do not notice bikers travelling towards them. In such cases, our team can help obtain pertinent traffic camera footage that proves defendants were at fault.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is also a common cause of motorcycle crashes. Drivers can distract themselves by taking their eyes off the road, hands off the steering wheel, or attention off the task of driving. The following are examples of activities that frequently distract drivers:

  • Texting
  • Adjusting the radio
  • Entering information into a GPS
  • Talking with other passengers
  • Eating or drinking
  • Viewing social media on a mobile device
  • Talking on the phone

Activities such as texting can incorporate multiple forms of distraction. If you suffered a motorcycle accident, an experienced Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyer can help determine if a distracted driver was at fault.

Running Red Lights

Additionally, motorcycle crashes often happen because drivers run red lights. Drivers are expected to obey all traffic laws when on public roads. When motorists run red lights, serious collisions can happen with unsuspecting bikers. Victims of such accidents may be entitled to financial compensation for the damages they incurred.


Speeding is another common cause of motorcycle accidents. Speeding drivers will have trouble controlling their vehicles and reacting to hazards on the roadway. Furthermore, crashes that happen at high speeds have a higher propensity to cause serious harm. A Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyer can help victims prove that speeding drivers were at fault.

Drunk Driving

Lastly, drunk driving is a common source of motorcycle crashes in Berkeley. Drunk drivers will exhibit poor vision, slow reaction times, and careless decision-making abilities. If you were injured because of a drunk driver’s negligent conduct, you may be entitled to financial compensation through a motorcycle accident lawsuit.

What if I Share Some of the Blame for My Motorcycle Accident in Berkeley, NJ?

If your own careless actions partially contributed to your motorcycle accident, you may be limited in the amount of monetary damages you may recover. When awarding damages in motorcycle accident lawsuits, courts in Berkeley will abide by the doctrine of “modified comparative fault.” This means that damages are awarded based on the percentages of fault assigned to each party. If you were 25% responsible for your crash while the defendant driver was 75% to blame, then the defendant will have to pay for 75% of damages related to the accident while you will account for the remaining 25%. However, if you deemed to be over 50% liable for an accident, you will be unable to recover compensation related to the crash.

Most defendants in motorcycle accident cases will attempt to shift blame onto plaintiffs. By deflecting blame from themselves, defendants and their insurance companies may avoid paying the full and fair value of plaintiffs’ claims. Accordingly, you should contact an experienced Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyer for help dealing with insurers and proving that a defendant was at fault.

Proving Fault in a Berkeley, NJ Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit

There are many different categories of evidence that can be used to prove defendants were at fault in motorcycle accident lawsuits. The following are common types of evidence utilized by our Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyers:

Traffic Camera Footage

Traffic camera footage can be extremely helpful when proving that a defendant was at fault for a motorcycle crash. These cameras are used to surveil many intersections and busy streets. Footage from these cameras can help explain the events leading up to a collision. However, obtaining copies of relevant footage can be difficult. Accordingly, our team can help gather any relevant traffic camera footage in your case.

Witness Testimony

Like traffic camera footage, statements from eyewitnesses can be used to explain the events that happened before, during, and after a crash. Motorcycle accident victims should always attempt to collect contact information for any eyewitnesses if possible. A Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyer can offer guidance when reaching out to witnesses for their cooperation.

Photos from the Scene

Additionally, photos from the scene are often used to prove fault in motorcycle accident lawsuits. Photos from the scene can be used to prove that a defendant was acting negligently at the time of a crash. For instance, photos of a crushed helmet can be used to show that a driver was travelling at high speeds when an accident occurred.

Also, photos can be used to disprove defendants’ theories regarding why a collision occurred. For example, photos showing decent weather conditions at the time of an accident can be used to disprove a defendant’s assertion that a crash happened because of foggy weather. You should always attempt to take photos of the scene in the aftermath of your motorcycle accident.

If You Were Injured Because of a Motorcycle Crash in Berkeley, NJ, Our Lawyers Can Help

If you were hurt because of a motorcycle accident, seek assistance from an experienced Berkeley motorcycle accident lawyer by calling Jerry Friedman at 1-800-529-4464 to review your case for free.

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